Full Patterns in Pod Graphics Maker
POD Graphics Maker is a quick and easy way to make (mostly geometric) images with only a few presses of a button.
There are multiple modules available:
- Starter Bundle
- Expansion Pack 01
- Expansion Pack 02
- Expansion Pack 03
- Expansion Pack 04
- Image Mosaic
- Roman Mosaics
A rare third type of shape, that isn't in every pack, is the Full pattern.
Let's see what makes this type of pattern so special.
Symbol Options
The Full patterns combine the best features of both the tiles and the shapes. They don't have to adhere to the square tiles of tile patterns, but they also aren't based on a singular shape as the Shape is.
Instead, you have a pattern that can be variated in different ways.

Some of the options are very obvious. Shape size changes the size of the squares.
Mid-shift moves the mid-points of the lines out or in, turning the pattern into stars or octagons. Sounds confusing, but if you see it in action, you'll understand.
Fluidity is the same as in every other, make the lines rounded instead of square.
Pattern options
The most important option to note here is "Seamless". With this option you can turn the pattern into a seamless pattern.
You can also change the amounts of rows and columns, and the other options regarding color randomisation are also in this tab.