Creating Square Tiles with MS Powerpoint (Video)

Creating Square Tiles with MS Powerpoint – Video

How Can I Create Books with Easy Puzzle Books (plugin for Powerpoint)?

This tutorial explains the steps to create puzzle books using Easy Puzzle Books (plugin for Powerpoint)

How Can I Create Missing Vowel Puzzles with Puzzle Maker Pro - Word Search?

This tutorial will show you how you can use Puzzle Maker Pro - Word Search to create Missing Vowel puzzles.

How can I create Triangle JigSaw Puzzles?

Most of the 'Squares' JigSaw tutorials apply to Triangles as well. In this tutorial we will show you the specifics of Triangle JigSaw puzzles.

How to Set Up Puzzles and Solutions for Mixed Puzzle Books (plugin for Powerpoint)

This tutorial shows how to set up your puzzles and solutions to create a puzzle book with Mixed Puzzle Books

How to Create Cryptograms with Puzzle Maker Pro

This tutorials shows how to Create Cryptograms with Puzzle Maker Pro

How to create Copy and Color Puzzles?

This tutorial shows how to create Copy and Color puzzles with Puzzle Maker Pro - Copy and Color.

Overview of the Geometric String Art Designer Software

This tutorial presents an overview of the Geometric String Art Designer Software

How to add Shapes to your design in Geometric String Art Designer

This tutorial shows how to add shapes to your canvas and how to adjust the settings for the shape