How can I create Hexagon JigSaw puzzles?

Most of the 'Squares' JigSaw tutorials apply to Hexagons as well. In this tutorial we will show you the specifics of Hexagon JigSaw puzzles.

How to get a Transparent background for my maze

There are several options that work together to get the proper background transparency in Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes. This applies to all editions.

How can I create Circle JigSaw Puzzles?

This tutorial builds on the basic JigSaw tutorials and illustrates the specific options for Circle JigSaw puzzles.

Geometric String Art Designer - Glossary of Shapes and Segments

This tutorial illustrates the details of the various shapes and segments in Geometric String Art Designer

Height Map Editor Tutorial - Quick Overview

This is a quick overview of the Height Map Editor for Mazes 3D Isometric

How to use Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Cubism

This tutorial describes how to use Puzzle Maker Pro - Mazes 2D Cubism

Using Shapes in POD Graphics Maker

Using Shapes in POD Graphics Maker